Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Word of the Day Poem 11-15

Word of the day Poem 11:

It could only be an act of magic
some small miracle;
the ability to love
and be loved
to give
and be given
such emotion so
even when to do so
breaks your spirit
breaks your mind

love isn't suppose to hurt
but it does
and so
it's miraculous
a part of thaumaturgy
that any of us bother
with such a risk.

Word of the day Poem 12:

Certain words ignite
my memories like tiny
fireworks playing hopscotch
my eyes
when i think of your warm
lips slowly moving
across the curve of my neck
when i think of your teeth
biting into my flesh

reminds me of the nearness
of our bodies when your hands
moved up my back
behind my shoulder blades
to pull me closer into you

i think back on the curves of your
hips fitting perfectly into
the curves of my mine
as we laid in bed late at night
wiggling nearer to one another
for warmth
for comfort
for love
for sex

reminds me of your voice
whispering dirty words
from behind
in my ear
as i slept
waking me to your passion

reminds me of the rock of your
body against mine

and if i close my eyes
i can still hear you
breathing heavily
my name
escaping from your lips

propinquity in your language
the knowledge that that is how
it would always be
even in distant memories.

Word of the Day Poem 13:

The is no act of
velleity in this heart of mine

No small act of desire
I come to it ramped
like run away fires
dancing from roof to roof
waiting for my time
to come

I can't hold still anymore
in this dying shell
kingdom come is call me home
a journey I'd rather not travel alone

This is no act of velleity
There is no calm desire in me.

Word of the Day Poem 14:
Frisson for Palestine

I remember the first moments
Fleeting, heart racing, movements
In my soul, like flips fluttering frantic
A break dance romance
Erupting in me
When our eyes met
When your lips touched
When I looked into her soul and she looked into mine

Her smell lingers
in my memory
A sweet perfume wrapping me in the comfort of home
A complete feeling
Bring hand to earth
Earth to body
Body to soul
Soul to sky
Sky to God
God to me

Wrapped in her salty lands
Laying in the warmth of her womb
I miss the brush of olive tree leaves along my fingers
Soft stones beneath my feet
Salaam on the lips of those I meet
Twisting wrists and hips to dance like the curves of a grape leaf
I remember her
Like the waves and rocks of the Dead Sea
Against my body
Like the warmth of my cousins hand in mine
Like the chestnut curls of my hair matching theirs
I remember
Catching my breath

Word of the day Poem 15:

shifting through identities
avoiding deformities
or at least trying to steer
clear of ignorance
through mental sustenance

I shift, changing swift
like tides change hands with
mermaid lovers
leaves floating along the surface
of its wet skin
kissing the depths
of me
through the whispers of
Feet moving
Like the fire in my soul
moves to the music in my blood

Like the labile unborn souls
snuggling with me in my dreams
through the cold of the night
as i wait for the right time
to unleash their glory
unto the earth

I shift, changing swift
hair, eyes, skin
the color of flags long buried
waiting for the winds to change direction
waiting for true revolution to
wake my senses
and show me the way home.

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